I liked this. nice animation, random shit happening, good voice acting... I don't get what the flamers are going on about. 4/5
I liked this. nice animation, random shit happening, good voice acting... I don't get what the flamers are going on about. 4/5
Flamers gonna flame. ;)
I don't have a VCR eihter...
Nice flash you got there XD.
I'm pretty shure drinking video-tapes gives you cancer though...
One of my fav. Jokes
We all know this joke in Belgium. Only we say boolly boolly instead of poontah...
Anywayzz nice flash you got there m8 XD
this flash is awesome! That axman13 got his butt kicked !
really good
Hey that guy did have it coming. Should've watched out for children playing on the streets! Let this be a lesson to you all !
i just want you to know..
that i like your style. this was short, but the "music" was well chosen, the animation was good, and so was the concept. I also like the way you answer reviews. 0.0
Wull thanks there!
Yeah, I can hand animate much better than this. Symbol tweening was never really my thing. After all, that's how I did all the old Comet flashes for SANB software.
you rock!! I love the art-style! i'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work! :-)
way to go.
i liked it, but it was kinda short.....
Yeah I know! ^_^
what-up, chap?
Age 30, Male
shool & hockey
K.A.Deurne(HighSc hool)
Belgium: Antwerp:Deurne
Joined on 1/4/08